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A function f(x) is logarithmically convex on the interval [a,b] if f>0 and lnf(x) is convex on [a,b]. If f(x) and g(x) are logarithmically convex on the interval [a,b], then ...
The system of ordinary differential equations X^. = sigma(Y-X) (1) Y^. = rX-Y-XZ (2) Z^. = XY-bZ. (3)
The integral transform (Kf)(x)=int_0^infty((x-t)_+^(c-1))/(Gamma(c))_2F_1(a,b;c;1-t/x)f(t)dt, where Gamma(x) is the gamma function, _2F_1(a,b;c;z) is a hypergeometric ...
The limit of a lower sum, when it exists, as the mesh size approaches 0.
Let the least term h of a sequence be a term which is smaller than all but a finite number of the terms which are equal to h. Then h is called the lower limit of the ...
A two-dimensional map similar to the Hénon map but with the term -alphax_n^2 replaced by -alpha|x_n|. It is given by the equations x_(n+1) = 1-alpha|x_n|+y_n (1) y_(n+1) = ...
h_t+(|h|^nh_(xxx))_x=0, where h(x,t) is the height of a film at position x and time t and n is a parameter characteristic of the surface forces.
For an arbitrary not identically constant polynomial, the zeros of its derivatives lie in the smallest convex polygon containing the zeros of the original polynomial.
Let f(x) be a finite and measurable function in (-infty,infty), and let epsilon be freely chosen. Then there is a function g(x) such that 1. g(x) is continuous in ...
Given a Lyapunov characteristic exponent sigma_i, the corresponding Lyapunov characteristic number lambda_i is defined as lambda_i=e^(sigma_i). (1) For an n-dimensional ...
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