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In the field of functional analysis, the Krein-Milman theorem is a result which characterizes all (nonempty) compact convex subsets K of "sufficiently nice" topological ...
Let A be an involutive algebra over the field C of complex numbers with involution xi|->xi^♯. Then A is a left Hilbert algebra if A has an inner product <·,·> satisfying: 1. ...
A topology tau on a topological vector space X=(X,tau) (with X usually assumed to be T2) is said to be locally convex if tau admits a local base at 0 consisting of balanced, ...
Let X be a locally convex topological vector space and let K be a compact subset of X. In functional analysis, Milman's theorem is a result which says that if the closed ...
Let T be a linear operator on a separable Hilbert space. The spectrum sigma(T) of T is the set of lambda such that (T-lambdaI) is not invertible on all of the Hilbert space, ...
There are at least two integrals called the Poisson integral. The first is also known as Bessel's second integral, ...
An Abelian differential is an analytic or meromorphic differential on a compact or closed Riemann surface.
A subset B of a vector space E is said to be absorbing if for any x in E, there exists a scalar lambda>0 such that x in muB for all mu in F with |mu|>=lambda, where F is the ...
An accumulation point is a point which is the limit of a sequence, also called a limit point. For some maps, periodic orbits give way to chaotic ones beyond a point known as ...
The set A^2 of all ordered pairs of complex numbers.
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