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If xsinalpha=sin(2beta-alpha), then (1+x)int_0^alpha(dphi)/(sqrt(1-x^2sin^2phi))=2int_0^beta(dphi)/(sqrt(1-(4x)/((1+x)^2)sin^2phi)).
A self-adjoint elliptic differential operator defined somewhat technically as Delta=ddelta+deltad, where d is the exterior derivative and d and delta are adjoint to each ...
In two-dimensional bipolar coordinates, Laplace's equation is ((coshv-cosu)^2)/(a^2)((partialF^2)/(partialu^2)+(partialF^2)/(partialv^2))=0, which simplifies to ...
Laplace's integral is one of the following integral representations of the Legendre polynomial P_n(x), P_n(x) = 1/piint_0^pi(du)/((x+sqrt(x^2-1)cosu)^(n+1))du (1) = ...
The United States Department of Commerce recommends that the notation lbx be used to refer to the binary logarithm log_2x (Taylor 1995, p. 33). However, this practice is not ...
The symbol ldx is occasionally used in German literature to refer to the binary logarithm. However, the United States Department of Commerce recommends that the notation lbx ...
The smallest n for which a point x_0 is a periodic point of a function f so that f^n(x_0)=x_0. For example, for the function f(x)=-x, all points x have period 2 (including ...
Let alpha(x) be a monotone increasing function and define an interval I=(x_1,x_2). Then define the nonnegative function U(I)=alpha(x_2)-alpha(x_1). The Lebesgue integral with ...
Any complex measure lambda decomposes into an absolutely continuous measure lambda_a and a singular measure lambda_c, with respect to some positive measure mu. This is the ...
Let K be a finite complex, let h:|K|->|K| be a continuous map. If Lambda(h)!=0, then h has a fixed point.
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