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1071 - 1080 of 13135 for OTHER ANALYSISSearch Results
If an analytic function has a single simple pole at the radius of convergence of its power series, then the ratio of the coefficients of its power series converges to that ...
The forward and inverse Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms are defined by K_(ix)[f(t)] = int_0^inftyK_(ix)(t)f(t)dt (1) K_(ix)^(-1)[g(t)] = ...
The partial differential equation u_t+2uu_x-nuu_(xx)+muu_(xxx)=0.
The system of ordinary differential equations (dm)/(dt) = lambdamxm+gammax1 (1) (dgamma)/(dt) = lambdagammaxm. (2)
The partial differential equation P_t=P_(xx)-uP_x+partial/(partialx){[u-F(x)]P}.
The symbol defined by c^(a/b) = c(c+b)(c+2b)...[c+(a-1)b] (1) = b^a(c/b)_a (2) = (b^aGamma(a+c/b))/(Gamma(c/b)), (3) where (a)_n is the Pochhammer symbol and Gamma(z) is the ...
A transformation of a hypergeometric function,
An identity which relates hypergeometric functions,
Let sum_(k=0)^(infty)a_k=a and sum_(k=0)^(infty)c_k=c be convergent series such that lim_(k->infty)(a_k)/(c_k)=lambda!=0. Then ...
The identity _2F_1(x,-x;x+n+1;-1)=(Gamma(x+n+1)Gamma(1/2n+1))/(Gamma(x+1/2n+1)Gamma(n+1)), or equivalently ...
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