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A Fredholm integral equation of the second kind phi(x)=f(x)+lambdaint_a^bK(x,t)phi(t)dt (1) may be solved as follows. Take phi_0(x) = f(x) (2) phi_1(x) = ...
A function of the coordinates which is constant along a trajectory in phase space. The number of degrees of freedom of a dynamical system such as the Duffing differential ...
A curvature such as Gaussian curvature which is detectable to the "inhabitants" of a surface and not just outside observers. An extrinsic curvature, on the other hand, is not ...
Given a smooth function f:R^n->R^n, if the Jacobian is invertible at 0, then there is a neighborhood U containing 0 such that f:U->f(U) is a diffeomorphism. That is, there is ...
The condition for isoenergetic nondegeneracy for a Hamiltonian H=H_0(I)+epsilonH_1(I,theta) is |(partial^2H_0)/(partialI_ipartialI_j) (partialH_0)/(partialI_i); ...
Let a plane figure have area A and perimeter p. Then Q=(4piA)/(p^2)<=1, where Q is known as the isoperimetric quotient. The equation becomes an equality only for a circle.
Of all convex n-gons of a given perimeter, the one which maximizes area is the regular n-gon.
e^(izcostheta)=sum_(n=-infty)^inftyi^nJ_n(z)e^(intheta), where J_n(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind. The identity can also be written ...
Q_n^((alpha,beta))(x)=2^(-n-1)(x-1)^(-alpha)(x+1)^(-beta) ×int_(-1)^1(1-t)^(n+alpha)(1+t)^(n+beta)(x-t)^(-n-1)dt. In the exceptional case n=0, alpha+beta+1=0, a nonconstant ...
The Jacobsthal polynomials are the w-polynomials obtained by setting p(x)=1 and q(x)=2x in the Lucas polynomial sequence. The first few Jacobsthal-Lucas polynomials are ...
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