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Hilbert-Schmidt theory is the study of linear integral equations of the Fredholm type with symmetric integral kernels K(x,t)=K(t,x).
Given a positive sequence {a_n}, sqrt(sum_(j=-infty)^infty|sum_(n=-infty; n!=j)^infty(a_n)/(j-n)|^2)<=pisqrt(sum_(n=-infty)^infty|a_n|^2), (1) where the a_ns are real and ...
The system of partial differential equations u_t = 1/2u_(xxx)+3uu_x-6ww_x (1) w_t = -w_(xxx)-3uw_x. (2)
The partial differential equation
Let V be an inner product space and let x,y,z in V. Hlawka's inequality states that ||x+y||+||y+z||+||z+x||<=||x||+||y||+||z||+||x+y+z||, where the norm ||z|| denotes the ...
On an oriented n-dimensional Riemannian manifold, the Hodge star is a linear function which converts alternating differential k-forms to alternating (n-k)-forms. If w is an ...
A solution of a linear homogeneous ordinary differential equation with polynomial coefficients.
A function which satisfies f(tx,ty)=t^nf(x,y) for a fixed n. Means, the Weierstrass elliptic function, and triangle center functions are homogeneous functions. A ...
A necessary and sufficient condition for a measure which is quasi-invariant under a transformation to be equivalent to an invariant probability measure is that the ...
The Machin-like formula 1/4pi=2cot^(-1)(3)+cot^(-1)(7). The other two-term Machin-like formulas are Euler's Machin-like formula, Hermann's formula, and Machin's formula.
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