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The function defined by T_n(x)=((-1)^(n-1))/(sqrt(n!))Z^((n-1))(x), where Z(x)=1/(sqrt(2pi))e^(-x^2/2) and Z^((k))(x) is the kth derivative of Z(x).
An asymptote is a line or curve that approaches a given curve arbitrarily closely, as illustrated in the above diagram. The plot above shows 1/x, which has a vertical ...
Relates invariants of a curve defined over the integers. If this inequality were proven true, then Fermat's last theorem would follow for sufficiently large exponents. ...
A curve in two dimensions on which the value of a function f(x,y) is a constant. Other synonymous terms are equipotential curve, isarithm, and isopleth. A plot of several ...
A crunode, also known as an ordinary double point, of a plane curve is point where a curve intersects itself so that two branches of the curve have distinct tangent lines. ...
The distribution parameter of a noncylindrical ruled surface parameterized by x(u,v)=sigma(u)+vdelta(u), (1) where sigma is the striction curve and delta the director curve, ...
A set of curves whose equations are of the same form but which have different values assigned to one or more parameters in the equations. Families of curves arise, for ...
The closed plane curve that crosses itself once and consists of one lobe on each side of the intersection. It can be viewed as a circle with a half twist. The fundamental ...
A ruled surface parameterization x(u,v)=b(u)+vg(u) is called noncylindrical if gxg^' is nowhere 0. A noncylindrical ruled surface always has a parameterization of the form ...
Given a source S and a curve gamma, pick a point on gamma and find its tangent T. Then the locus of reflections of S about tangents T is the orthotomic curve (also known as ...
