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21 - 30 of 1411 for Normal Ratio DistributionSearch Results
The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in simple geometric ...
A quantity used to test nested hypotheses. Let H^' be a nested hypothesis with n^' degrees of freedom within H (which has n degrees of freedom), then calculate the maximum ...
A statistical distribution such as the normal distribution which has a single "peak."
Two figures are homothetic if they are related by a dilation (a dilation is also known as a homothecy). This means that the connectors of corresponding points are concurrent ...
A real number that is b-normal for every base 2, 3, 4, ... is said to be absolutely normal. As proved by Borel (1922, p. 198), almost all real numbers in [0,1) are absolutely ...
The ratio of the independence number of a graph G to its vertex count is known as the independence ratio of G (Bollobás 1981). The product of the chromatic number and ...
A normal series of a group G is a finite sequence (A_0,...,A_r) of normal subgroups such that I=A_0<|A_1<|...<|A_r=G.
If a, b, c, and d are points in the extended complex plane C^*, their cross ratio, also called the cross-ratio (Courant and Robbins 1996, p. 172; Durell 1928, p. 73), ...
Given a geometric sequence {a_1,a_1r,a_1r^2,...}, the number r is called the common ratio associated to the sequence.
Let G be a group with normal series (A_0, A_1, ..., A_r). A normal factor of G is a quotient group A_(k+1)/A_k for some index k<r. G is a solvable group iff all normal ...
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