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An accumulation point is a point which is the limit of a sequence, also called a limit point. For some maps, periodic orbits give way to chaotic ones beyond a point known as ...
An alternating multilinear form on a real vector space V is a multilinear form F:V tensor ... tensor V->R (1) such that ...
Draw the perpendicular line from the intersection of the two small semicircles in the arbelos. The two circles C_1 and C_2 tangent to this line, the large semicircle, and ...
Cut a sphere by a plane in such a way that the volumes of the spherical segments have a given ratio.
A series is called artistic if every three consecutive terms have a common three-way ratio P[a_i,a_(i+1),a_(i+2)]=((a_i+a_(i+1)+a_(i+2))a_(i+1))/(a_ia_(i+2)). A series is ...
The canonical bundle is a holomorphic line bundle on a complex manifold which is determined by its complex structure. On a coordinate chart (z_1,...z_n), it is spanned by the ...
A clear-cut way of describing every object in a class in a one-to-one manner.
It is possible to place 7 cigarettes in such a way that each touches every other if l/d>7sqrt(3)/2 (Gardner 1959, p. 115).
A concordance between knots K_0 and K_1 in S^3 is a locally flat cylinder C=S^1×[0,1] embedded in S^3×[0,1] in such a way that the ends S^1×{1} are embedded in S^3×{i} as ...
Since the derivative of a constant is zero, any constant may be added to an indefinite integral (i.e., antiderivative) and will still correspond to the same integral. Another ...