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A connective in logic which yields true if all conditions are true, and false if any condition is false. A AND B is denoted A ^ B (Mendelson 1997, p. 12), A&B, A intersection ...
An abstract vector space of dimension n over a field k is the set of all formal expressions a_1v_1+a_2v_2+...+a_nv_n, (1) where {v_1,v_2,...,v_n} is a given set of n objects ...
Let B_k be the kth Bernoulli number and consider nB_(n-1)=-1 (mod n), where the residues of fractions are taken in the usual way so as to yield integers, for which the ...
In identical experiments, an Allais paradox occurs when the addition of an independent event influences choice behavior. Consider the choices in the following table (Kahneman ...
Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics dealing with integers or, more generally, numerical computation. Arithmetical operations include addition, congruence calculation, ...
A pair of identical plane regions (mirror symmetric about two perpendicular lines through the center) which can be stitched together to form a baseball (or tennis ball). A ...
An algorithm that can be used to factor a polynomial f over the integers. The algorithm proceeds by first factoring f modulo a suitable prime p via Berlekamp's method and ...
The Bernoulli distribution is a discrete distribution having two possible outcomes labelled by n=0 and n=1 in which n=1 ("success") occurs with probability p and n=0 ...
A bitangent is a line that is tangent to a curve at two distinct points. Aa general plane quartic curve has 28 bitangents in the complex projective plane. However, as shown ...
An incidence system (v, k, lambda, r, b) in which a set X of v points is partitioned into a family A of b subsets (blocks) in such a way that any two points determine lambda ...
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