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311 - 320 of 667 for Mean, median, and modeSearch Results
If every component L of X/O_(p^')(X) satisfies the "Schreler property," then L_(p^')(Y)<=L_(p^')(X) for every p-local subgroup Y of X, where L_(p^') is the p-layer.
A Lucas cube graph of order n is a graph that can be defined based on the n-Fibonacci cube graph by forbidding vertex strings that have a 1 both in the first and last ...
Let f(x) be a finite and measurable function in (-infty,infty), and let epsilon be freely chosen. Then there is a function g(x) such that 1. g(x) is continuous in ...
A set of points capable of being enclosed in intervals whose total length is arbitrarily small.
A time series x_1, x_2, ... is nonstationary if, for some m, the joint probability distribution of x_i, x_(i+1), ..., x_(i+m-1) is dependent on the time index i.
The problem of forecasting future values X_(t+tau) (tau>0) of a weakly stationary process {X_t} from the known values X_s (s<=t).
A set of integers that give the orders of the blocks in a Jordan canonical form, with those integers corresponding to submatrices containing the same latent root bracketed ...
The shoelace formula, also known as Gauss's area formula, the shoelace algorithm, shoelace method, or surveyor's formula, is a name sometimes given to the polygon area ...
A moving average may generate an irregular oscillation even if none exists in the original data.
The planes passing through the vertices of a tetrahedron ABCD and tangent to the circumsphere at these points form another tetrahedron called the tangential tetrahedron. The ...
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