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1371 - 1380 of 2846 for Maximum Modulus TheoremSearch Results
The likelihood of a simple graph is defined by starting with the set S_1={(K_11)}. The following procedure is then iterated to produce a set of graphs G_n of order n. At step ...
The n-hypersphere (often simply called the n-sphere) is a generalization of the circle (called by geometers the 2-sphere) and usual sphere (called by geometers the 3-sphere) ...
A bipartite graph, also called a bigraph, is a set of graph vertices decomposed into two disjoint sets such that no two graph vertices within the same set are adjacent. A ...
The average power of a complex signal f(t) as a function of time t is defined as <f^2(t)>=lim_(T->infty)1/(2T)int_(-T)^T|f(t)|^2dt, where |z| is the complex modulus (Papoulis ...
A parameter n used to specify an elliptic integral of the third kind Pi(n;phi,k).
When the elliptic modulus k has a singular value, the complete elliptic integrals may be computed in analytic form in terms of gamma functions. Abel (quoted in Whittaker and ...
A linear transformation A:R^n->R^n is hyperbolic if none of its eigenvalues has modulus 1. This means that R^n can be written as a direct sum of two A-invariant subspaces E^s ...
The minimal residue of a (mod m) is the value b or b-m, whichever is smaller in absolute value, where a=b (mod m). If m=2b (so that b=|b-m|), then the minimal residue is ...
Given the binary quadratic form ax^2+2bxy+cy^2 (1) with polynomial discriminant b^2-ac, let x = pX+qY (2) y = rX+sY. (3) Then a(pX+qY)^2+2b(pX+qY)(rX+sY)+c(rX+sY)^2 ...
An extension to the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm which applies when the terms of the sequences are integers modulo some given modulus m.