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The generalized hypergeometric function F(x)=_pF_q[alpha_1,alpha_2,...,alpha_p; beta_1,beta_2,...,beta_q;x] satisfies the equation where theta=x(partial/partialx) is the ...
Let a spherical triangle Delta have angles A, B, and C. Then the spherical excess is given by Delta=A+B+C-pi.
Gödel's second incompleteness theorem states no consistent axiomatic system which includes Peano arithmetic can prove its own consistency. Stated more colloquially, any ...
Let (a)_i be a sequence of complex numbers and let the lower triangular matrices F=(f)_(nk) and G=(g)_(nk) be defined as f_(nk)=(product_(j=k)^(n-1)(a_j+k))/((n-k)!) and ...
The great inverted snub icosidodecahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 69 (Maeder 1997), Wenninger index 113 (Wenninger 1989), Coxeter index 73 (Coxeter et al. ...
The great stellated truncated dodecahedron, also called the quasitruncated great stellated dodecahedron is the uniform polyhedron with Maeder index 66 (Maeder 1997), ...
There are two different statements, each separately known as the greatest common divisor theorem. 1. Given positive integers m and n, it is possible to choose integers x and ...
The inhomogeneous Helmholtz differential equation is del ^2psi(r)+k^2psi(r)=rho(r), (1) where the Helmholtz operator is defined as L^~=del ^2+k^2. The Green's function is ...
Poisson's equation is del ^2phi=4pirho, (1) where phi is often called a potential function and rho a density function, so the differential operator in this case is L^~=del ...
The Hammer-Aitoff equal-area projection, also called the Hammer projection, is a map projection that is a modification of the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection. It ...
