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A surface which a monkey can straddle with both legs and his tail. A simple Cartesian equation for such a surface is z=x(x^2-3y^2), (1) which can also be given by the ...
A prime power is a prime or integer power of a prime. A test for a number n being a prime is implemented in the Wolfram Language as PrimePowerQ[n]. The first few prime powers ...
The delta function is a generalized function that can be defined as the limit of a class of delta sequences. The delta function is sometimes called "Dirac's delta function" ...
The series sum_(k=1)^infty1/k (1) is called the harmonic series. It can be shown to diverge using the integral test by comparison with the function 1/x. The divergence, ...
Computational number theory is the branch of number theory concerned with finding and implementing efficient computer algorithms for solving various problems in number ...
A process of successively crossing out members of a list according to a set of rules such that only some remain. The best known sieve is the sieve of Eratosthenes for ...
The Fermat quotient for a number a and a prime base p is defined as q_p(a)=(a^(p-1)-1)/p. (1) If pab, then q_p(ab) = q_p(a)+q_p(b) (2) q_p(p+/-1) = ∓1 (3) (mod p), where the ...
Let f(x) be a monic polynomial of degree d with discriminant Delta. Then an odd integer n with (n,f(0)Delta)=1 is called a Frobenius pseudoprime with respect to f(x) if it ...
Given a number n, Fermat's factorization methods look for integers x and y such that n=x^2-y^2. Then n=(x-y)(x+y) (1) and n is factored. A modified form of this observation ...
A Cunningham number is a binomial number of the form C^+/-(b,n)=b^n+/-1 with b>1 and n positive integers. Bases b^k which are themselves powers need not be considered since ...
