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A characteristic of some systems making a transition to chaos. Doubling is followed by quadrupling, etc. An example of a map displaying period doubling is the logistic map.
If a map f:G->G^' from a group G to a group G^' satisfies f(ab)=f(b)f(a) for all a,b in G, then f is said to be an antihomomorphism.
The best known example of an Anosov diffeomorphism. It is given by the transformation [x_(n+1); y_(n+1)]=[1 1; 1 2][x_n; y_n], (1) where x_(n+1) and y_(n+1) are computed mod ...
Given a subspace A of a space X and a map from A to a space Y, is it possible to extend that map to a map from X to Y?
Given a map f from a space X to a space Y and another map g from a space Z to a space Y, does there exist a map h from X to Z such that gh=f? If such a map h exists, then h ...
A quadratic recurrence is a recurrence equation on a sequence of numbers {x_n} expressing x_n as a second-degree polynomial in x_k with k<n. For example, x_n=x_(n-1)x_(n-2) ...
In a dynamical system, a bifurcation is a period doubling, quadrupling, etc., that accompanies the onset of chaos. It represents the sudden appearance of a qualitatively ...
A map f:R^n|->R which assigns each x a scalar function f(x).
One of the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms. It states that, for every pair (X,A), there is a natural long exact sequence ...->H_n(A)->H_n(X)->H_n(X,A)->H_(n-1)(A)->..., where the ...
The set of "critical values" of a map u:R^n->R^n of map class C^1 has Lebesgue measure 0 in R^n.
