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Let S(T) be the group of symmetries which map a monohedral tiling T onto itself. The transitivity class of a given tile T is then the collection of all tiles to which T can ...
A Kähler metric is a Riemannian metric g on a complex manifold which gives M a Kähler structure, i.e., it is a Kähler manifold with a Kähler form. However, the term "Kähler ...
A monotonic function is a function which is either entirely nonincreasing or nondecreasing. A function is monotonic if its first derivative (which need not be continuous) ...
A morphism is a map between two objects in an abstract category. 1. A general morphism is called a homomorphism, 2. A morphism f:Y->X in a category is a monomorphism if, for ...
Let U=(U,<··>) be a T2 associative inner product space over the field C of complex numbers with completion H, and assume that U comes with an antilinear involution xi|->xi^* ...
The quotient space X/∼ of a topological space X and an equivalence relation ∼ on X is the set of equivalence classes of points in X (under the equivalence relation ∼) ...
A short exact sequence of groups A, B, and C is given by two maps alpha:A->B and beta:B->C and is written 0->A->B->C->0. (1) Because it is an exact sequence, alpha is ...
A strong pseudo-Riemannian metric on a smooth manifold M is a (0,2) tensor field g which is symmetric and for which, at each m in M, the map v_m|->g_m(v_m,·) is an ...
Two submanifolds X and Y in an ambient space M intersect transversally if, for all p in X intersection Y, TX_p+TY_p={v+w:v in TX_p,w in TY_p}=TM_p, where the addition is in ...
An unhappy number is a number that is not happy, i.e., a number n such that iterating this sum-of-squared-digits map starting with n never reaches the number 1. The first few ...
