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A ring homomorphism is a map f:R->S between two rings such that 1. Addition is preserved:f(r_1+r_2)=f(r_1)+f(r_2), 2. The zero element is mapped to zero: f(0_R)=0_S, and 3. ...
The negative derivative S(v)=-D_(v)N (1) of the unit normal N vector field of a surface is called the shape operator (or Weingarten map or second fundamental tensor). The ...
A map projection in which areas on a sphere, and the areas of any features contained on it, are mapped to the plane in such a way that two are related by a constant scaling ...
Let A be a commutative ring, let C_r be an R-module for r=0, 1, 2, ..., and define a chain complex C__ of the form C__:...|->C_n|->C_(n-1)|->C_(n-2)|->...|->C_2|->C_1|->C_0. ...
A point x in a manifold M is said to be nonwandering if, for every open neighborhood U of x, it is true that phi^nU intersection U!=emptyset for a map phi for some n>0. In ...
The period for a quasiperiodic trajectory to pass through the same point in a surface of section. If the rotation number is irrational, the trajectory will densely fill out a ...
A vector bundle is special class of fiber bundle in which the fiber is a vector space V. Technically, a little more is required; namely, if f:E->B is a bundle with fiber R^n, ...
The Mercator projection is a map projection that was widely used for navigation since loxodromes are straight lines (although great circles are curved). The following ...
A proving technique in homological algebra which consists in looking for equivalent map compositions in commutative diagrams, and in exploiting the properties of injective, ...
A longimeter is a transparent sheet of plastic with a regular grid of lines inclined at an angle of 30 degrees to the sides of the sheet. By counting the number of squares ...
