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A synonym for analytic function, regular function, differentiable function, complex differentiable function, and holomorphic map (Krantz 1999, p. 16). The word derives from ...
A representation of a Lie algebra g is a linear transformation psi:g->M(V), where M(V) is the set of all linear transformations of a vector space V. In particular, if V=R^n, ...
To color any map on the sphere or the plane requires at most six-colors. This number can easily be reduced to five, and the four-color theorem demonstrates that the necessary ...
The parameter r (sometimes also denoted mu) in the logistic equation x_(n+1)=rx_n(1-x_n).
An endomorphism is called ergodic if it is true that T^(-1)A=A implies m(A)=0 or 1, where T^(-1)A={x in X:T(x) in A}. Examples of ergodic endomorphisms include the map X->2x ...
The map projection having transformation equations x = (lambda-lambda_0)cosphi_s (1) y = sinphisecphi_s (2) for the normal aspect, where lambda is the longitude, lambda_0 is ...
Also called a chain map. Given two chain complexes C_* and D_*, a chain homomorphism is given by homomorphisms alpha_i:C_i->D_i such that alpha degreespartial_C=partial_D ...
Let phi be a map. Then phi is expansive if the statement that the distance d(phi^nx,phi^ny)<delta for all n in Z implies that x=y. Equivalently, phi is expansive if the ...
A hosohedron is a regular tiling or map on a sphere composed of p digons or spherical lunes, all with the same two vertices and the same vertex angles, 2pi/p. Its Schläfli ...
A map is called "one-to-one" (or "1:1") if it is injective. However, being in "one-to-one correspondence" is synonymous with being a bijection. Unfortunately, this confusing ...
