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Asserts the existence and uniqueness of the extremal quasiconformal map between two compact Riemann surfaces of the same genus modulo an equivalence relation.
The topological entropy of a map M is defined as h_T(M)=sup_({W_i})h(M,{W_i}), where {W_i} is a partition of a bounded region W containing a probability measure which is ...
Let S(T) be the group of symmetries which map a monohedral tiling T onto itself. The transitivity class of a given tile T is then the collection of all tiles to which T can ...
The trivial loop is the loop that takes every point to its basepoint. Formally, if X is a topological space and x in X, the trivial loop based at x is the map L:[0,1]->X ...
A differential ideal I on a manifold M is an ideal in the exterior algebra of differential k-forms on M which is also closed under the exterior derivative d. That is, for any ...
A module homomorphism is a map f:M->N between modules over a ring R which preserves both the addition and the multiplication by scalars. In symbols this means that ...
A subset M subset R^n is called a regular surface if for each point p in M, there exists a neighborhood V of p in R^n and a map x:U->R^n of an open set U subset R^2 onto V ...
A Cantor set C in R^3 is said to be scrawny if for each neighborhood U of an arbitrary point p in C, there is a neighborhood V of p such that every map f:S^1->V subset C ...
Let f:M|->N be a map between two compact, connected, oriented n-dimensional manifolds without boundary. Then f induces a homomorphism f_* from the homology groups H_n(M) to ...
An Anosov diffeomorphism is a C^1 diffeomorphism phi of a manifold M to itself such that the tangent bundle of M is hyperbolic with respect to phi. Very few classes of Anosov ...
