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A map projection in which the distances between one or two points and every other point on the map differ from the corresponding distances on the sphere by only a constant ...
Given a map f from a space X to a space Y and another map g from a space Z to a space Y, a lift is a map h from X to Z such that gh=f. In other words, a lift of f is a map h ...
The invariance of domain theorem states that if f:M->N is a one-to-one and continuous map between n-manifolds without boundary, then f is an open map.
If K is a finite complex and h:|K|->|K| is a continuous map, then Lambda(h)=sum(-1)^pTr(h_*,H_p(K)/T_p(K)) is the Lefschetz number of the map h.
Every continuous map f:S^n->R^n must identify a pair of antipodal points.
A nonsingular linear map A:R^n->R^n is orientation-preserving if det(A)>0.
A patch (also called a local surface) is a differentiable mapping x:U->R^n, where U is an open subset of R^2. More generally, if A is any subset of R^2, then a map x:A->R^n ...
A map psi:M->M, where M is a manifold, is a finite-to-one factor of a map Psi:X->X if there exists a continuous surjective map pi:X->M such that psi degreespi=pi degreesPsi ...
Consider an arbitrary one-dimensional map x_(n+1)=F(x_n) (1) (with implicit parameter r) at the onset of chaos. After a suitable rescaling, the Feigenbaum function ...
Let X and Y be CW-complexes, and let f:X->Y be a continuous map. Then the cellular approximation theorem states that any such f is homotopic to a cellular map. In fact, if ...
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