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Let K be a number field with r_1 real embeddings and 2r_2 imaginary embeddings and let r=r_1+r_2-1. Then the multiplicative group of units U_K of K has the form ...
The solution to a game in game theory. When a game saddle point is present max_(i<=m)min_(j<=n)a_(ij)=min_(j<=n)max_(i<=m)a_(ij)=v, and v is the value for pure strategies.
The Garfield curve is the name sometimes given to the curve with polar equation r=thetacostheta when plotted from theta=-2pi to 2pi (Sisson and Szarvas 2016) because of its ...
The great sphere on the surface of a hypersphere is the three-dimensional analog of the great circle on the surface of a sphere. Let 2h be the number of reflecting spheres, ...
When applied to a system possessing a length R at which solutions in a variable r change character (such as the gravitational field of a sphere as r runs from the interior to ...
Harmonic coordinates satisfy the condition Gamma^lambda=g^(munu)Gamma_(munu)^lambda=0, (1) or equivalently, partial/(partialx^kappa)(sqrt(g)g^(lambdakappa))=0. (2) It is ...
Define the zeta function of a variety over a number field by taking the product over all prime ideals of the zeta functions of this variety reduced modulo the primes. Hasse ...
The study, first developed by Boole, of shift-invariant operators which are polynomials in the differential operator D^~. Heaviside calculus can be used to solve any ordinary ...
A function S_n(z) which satisfies the recurrence relation S_(n-1)(z)-S_(n+1)(z)=2S_n^'(z) together with S_1(z)=-S_0^'(z) is called a hemicylindrical function.
A 16-sided polygon, sometimes also called a hexakaidecagon. The regular hexadecagon is a constructible polygon, and the inradius r, circumradius R, and area A of the regular ...