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371 - 380 of 2765 for Linear Recurrence EquationSearch Results
A group of linear fractional transformations which transform the arguments of Kummer solutions to the hypergeometric differential equation into each other. Define A(z) = 1-z ...
An implicit method for solving an ordinary differential equation that uses f(x_n,y_n) in y_(n+1). In the case of a heat equation, for example, this means that a linear system ...
n vectors X_1, X_2, ..., X_n are linearly dependent iff there exist scalars c_1, c_2, ..., c_n, not all zero, such that sum_(i=1)^nc_iX_i=0. (1) If no such scalars exist, ...
An elliptic fixed point of a differential equation is a fixed point for which the stability matrix has purely imaginary eigenvalues lambda_+/-=+/-iomega (for omega>0). An ...
The field of semidefinite programming (SDP) or semidefinite optimization (SDO) deals with optimization problems over symmetric positive semidefinite matrix variables with ...
Let A be any algebra over a field F, and define a derivation of A as a linear operator D on A satisfying (xy)D=(xD)y+x(yD) for all x,y in A. Then the set D(A) of all ...
There are at least two statements known as Schur's lemma. 1. The endomorphism ring of an irreducible module is a division algebra. 2. Let V, W be irreducible (linear) ...
Let A:D(A)->H and B:D(B)->H be linear operators from domains D(A) and D(B), respectively, into a Hilbert space H. It is said that B extends A if D(A) subset D(B) and if Bv=Av ...
An integrating factor is a function by which an ordinary differential equation can be multiplied in order to make it integrable. For example, a linear first-order ordinary ...
A complex vector space is a vector space whose field of scalars is the complex numbers. A linear transformation between complex vector spaces is given by a matrix with ...
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