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For a graph G and a subset S of the vertex set V(G), denote by N_G[S] the set of vertices in G which are in S or adjacent to a vertex in S. If N_G[S]=V(G), then S is said to ...
An important result in valuation theory which gives information on finding roots of polynomials. Hensel's lemma is formally stated as follows. Let (K,|·|) be a complete ...
The computation of points or values between ones that are known or tabulated using the surrounding points or values. In particular, given a univariate function f=f(x), ...
There are at least three theorems known as Jensen's theorem. The first states that, for a fixed vector v=(v_1,...,v_m), the function |v|_p=(sum_(i=1)^m|v_i|^p)^(1/p) is a ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
A lucky number of Euler is a number p such that the prime-generating polynomial n^2-n+p is prime for n=1, 2, ..., p-1. Such numbers are related to the imaginary quadratic ...
The (upper) matching number nu(G) of graph G, sometimes known as the edge independence number, is the size of a maximum independent edge set. Equivalently, it is the degree ...
The Pell-Lucas numbers are the V_ns in the Lucas sequence with P=2 and Q=-1, and correspond to the Pell-Lucas polynomial Q_n(1). The Pell-Lucas number Q_n is equal to ...
An antiprism graph is a graph corresponding to the skeleton of an antiprism. Antiprism graphs are therefore polyhedral and planar. The n-antiprism graph has 2n vertices and ...
Let P be a polynomial of degree n with derivative P^'. Then ||P^'||_infty<=n||P||_infty, where ||P||_infty=max_(|z|=1)|P(z)|.
