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371 - 380 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results

The trefoil knot 3_1, also called the threefoil knot or overhand knot, is the unique prime knot with three crossings. It is a (3, 2)-torus knot and has braid word sigma_1^3. ...
An algorithm similar to Neville's algorithm for constructing the Lagrange interpolating polynomial. Let f(x|x_0,x_1,...,x_k) be the unique polynomial of kth polynomial order ...
An n-bridge knot is a knot with bridge number n. The set of 2-bridge knots is identical to the set of rational knots. If L is a 2-bridge knot, then the BLM/Ho polynomial Q ...
Let j_k(alpha) denote the number of cycles of length k for a permutation alpha expressed as a product of disjoint cycles. The cycle index Z(X) of a permutation group X of ...
The determination of a set of factors (divisors) of a given integer ("prime factorization"), polynomial ("polynomial factorization"), etc., which, when multiplied together, ...
Let f(x) be a monic polynomial of degree d with discriminant Delta. Then an odd integer n with (n,f(0)Delta)=1 is called a Frobenius pseudoprime with respect to f(x) if it ...
Given a finitely generated Z-graded module M over a graded ring R (finitely generated over R_0, which is an Artinian local ring), define the Hilbert function of M as the map ...
The expected number of real zeros E_n of a random polynomial of degree n if the coefficients are independent and distributed normally is given by E_n = ...
The Landau-Mignotte bound, also known as the Mignotte bound, is used in univariate polynomial factorization to determine the number of Hensel lifting steps needed. It gives ...
A field K is said to be an extension field (or field extension, or extension), denoted K/F, of a field F if F is a subfield of K. For example, the complex numbers are an ...
