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1001 - 1010 of 1338 for Legendre PolynomialSearch Results
A sequence s_n^((lambda))(x)=[h(t)]^lambdas_n(x), where s_n(x) is a Sheffer sequence, h(t) is invertible, and lambda ranges over the real numbers. If s_n(x) is an associated ...
A stereohedron is a convex polyhedron that is isohedrally space-filling, meaning the symmetries of a tiling of copies of a stereohedron take any copy to any other copy. The ...
A collection of subsets of a topological space that is contained in a basis of the topology and can be completed to a basis when adding all finite intersections of the ...
Subresultants can be viewed as a generalization of resultants, which are the product of the pairwise differences of the roots of polynomials. Subresultants are the most ...
The order n of an algebraic surface is the order of the polynomial defining a surface, which can be geometrically interpreted as the maximum number of points in which a line ...
A topological space fulfilling the T_2-axiom: i.e., any two points have disjoint neighborhoods. In the terminology of Alexandroff and Hopf (1972), a T_2-space is called a ...
The tetranacci constant is ratio to which adjacent tetranacci numbers tend, and is given by T = (x^4-x^3-x^2-x-1)_2 (1) = 1.92756... (2) (OEIS A086088), where (P(x))_n ...
A lattice polygon formed by a three-choice walk. The anisotropic perimeter and area generating function G(x,y,q)=sum_(m>=1)sum_(n>=1)sum_(a>=a)C(m,n,a)x^my^nq^a, where ...
A Thue equation is a Diophantine equation of the form A_nx^n+A_(n-1)x^(n-1)y+A_(n-2)x^(n-2)y^2+...+A_0y^n=M in terms of an irreducible polynomial of degree n>=3 having ...
A tree decomposition is a mapping of a graph into a related tree with desirable properties that allow it to be used to efficiently compute certain properties (e.g., ...
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