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491 - 500 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results

Poisson's equation is del ^2phi=4pirho, (1) where phi is often called a potential function and rho a density function, so the differential operator in this case is L^~=del ...
The Bessel differential equation is the linear second-order ordinary differential equation given by x^2(d^2y)/(dx^2)+x(dy)/(dx)+(x^2-n^2)y=0. (1) Equivalently, dividing ...
A number of attractive cube 6-compounds can be constructed. A first (left figures) is obtained by combining six cubes, each rotated by 1/6 of a turn about the line joining ...
The first Hardy-Littlewood conjecture is called the k-tuple conjecture. It states that the asymptotic number of prime constellations can be computed explicitly. A particular ...
A minimal surface and double algebraic surface of 15th order and fifth class which can be given by parametric equations x(u,v) = 2sinhucosv-2/3sinh(3u)cos(3v) (1) y(u,v) = ...
There are two definitions of a metacyclic group. 1. A metacyclic group is a group G such that both its commutator subgroup G^' and the quotient group G/G^' are cyclic (Rose ...
The Paris-Harrington theorem is a strengthening of the finite Ramsey's theorem by requiring that the homogeneous set be large enough so that cardH>=minH. Clearly, the ...
Scherk's two minimal surfaces were discovered by Scherk in 1834. They were the first new surfaces discovered since Meusnier in 1776. Beautiful images of wood sculptures of ...
Sphere line picking is the selection of pairs of points corresponding to vertices of a line segment with endpoints on the surface of a sphere. n random line segments can be ...
The first strong law of small numbers (Gardner 1980, Guy 1988, 1990) states "There aren't enough small numbers to meet the many demands made of them." The second strong law ...
