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331 - 340 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results

The elliptic logarithm is generalization of integrals of the form int_infty^x(dt)/(sqrt(t^2+at)), for a real, which can be expressed in terms of logarithmic and inverse ...
The exponential factorial is defined by the recurrence relation a_n=n^(a_(n-1)), (1) where a_0=1. The first few terms are therefore a_1 = 1 (2) a_2 = 2^1=2 (3) a_3 = ...
A group action G×Omega->Omega might preserve a special kind of partition of Omega called a system of blocks. A block is a subset Delta of Omega such that for any group ...
The ordinary differential equation (1) (Byerly 1959, p. 255). The solution is denoted E_m^p(x) and is known as an ellipsoidal harmonic of the first kind, or Lamé function. ...
A Lie group is a group with the structure of a manifold. Therefore, discrete groups do not count. However, the most useful Lie groups are defined as subgroups of some matrix ...
The Lommel polynomials R_(m,nu)(z) arise from the equation J_(m+nu)(z)=J_nu(z)R_(m,nu)(z)-J_(nu-1)(z)R_(m-1,nu+1)(z), (1) where J_nu(z) is a Bessel function of the first kind ...
The noncentral chi-squared distribution with noncentrality parameter lambda is given by P_r(x) = ...
A Tauberian theorem is a theorem that deduces the convergence of an series on the basis of the properties of the function it defines and any kind of auxiliary hypothesis ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/11 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 11 is not a ...
Trigonometric functions of npi/13 for n an integer cannot be expressed in terms of sums, products, and finite root extractions on real rational numbers because 13 is not a ...
