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1501 - 1510 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results
A nonplanar graph is a graph that is not planar. The numbers of simple nonplanar graphs on n=1, 2, ... nodes are 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 14, 222, 5380, 194815, ... (OEIS A145269), ...
If all the diagonals--including those obtained by "wrapping around" the edges--of a magic square sum to the same magic constant, the square is said to be a panmagic square ...
The pentaflake is a fractal with 5-fold symmetry. As illustrated above, five pentagons can be arranged around an identical pentagon to form the first iteration of the ...
A prime partition of a positive integer n>=2 is a set of primes p_i which sum to n. For example, there are three prime partitions of 7 since 7=7=2+5=2+2+3. The number of ...
Pronic numbers are figurate numbers of the form P_n=2T_n=n(n+1), where T_n is the nth triangular number. The first few are 2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, 72, 90, 110, ... (OEIS ...
The pseudosphere is the constant negative-Gaussian curvature surface of revolution generated by a tractrix about its asymptote. It is sometimes also called the tractroid, ...
The quadratic embedding constant QEC(G) of a finite simple connected graph G on n vertices is defined as the maximum of the product vDv over all real n-vectors v satisfying ...
Let B_t={B_t(omega)/omega in Omega}, t>=0, be one-dimensional Brownian motion. Integration with respect to B_t was defined by Itô (1951). A basic result of the theory is that ...
The Roman surface, also called the Steiner surface (not to be confused with the class of Steiner surfaces of which the Roman surface is a particular case), is a quartic ...
Roundoff error is the difference between an approximation of a number used in computation and its exact (correct) value. In certain types of computation, roundoff error can ...
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