
Search Results for "Legendre Functionofthe Second Kind"

1471 - 1480 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results
The doubly truncated Witt graph is the graph on 330 vertices related to a 3-(22,8,12) design (Brouwer et al. 1989, p. 367). The doubly truncated Witt graph can be constructed ...
Elder's theorem is a generalization of Stanley's theorem which states that the total number of occurrences of an integer k among all unordered partitions of n is equal to the ...
A geometry in which Euclid's fifth postulate holds, sometimes also called parabolic geometry. Two-dimensional Euclidean geometry is called plane geometry, and ...
The Euler-Maclaurin integration and sums formulas can be derived from Darboux's formula by substituting the Bernoulli polynomial B_n(t) in for the function phi(t). ...
A beautiful approximation to the Euler-Mascheroni constant gamma is given by pi/(2e)=0.57786367... (1) (OEIS A086056; E. W. Weisstein, Apr. 18, 2006), which is good to three ...
A Ferrers diagram represents partitions as patterns of dots, with the nth row having the same number of dots as the nth term in the partition. The spelling "Ferrars" (Skiena ...
There are two theorems commonly known as Feuerbach's theorem. The first states that circle which passes through the feet of the perpendiculars dropped from the polygon ...
The set of terms of first-order logic (also known as first-order predicate calculus) is defined by the following rules: 1. A variable is a term. 2. If f is an n-place ...
There are three theorems related to pedal circles that go under the collective title of the Fontené theorems. The first Fontené theorem lets DeltaABC be a triangle and P an ...
The Fuhrmann triangle of a reference triangle DeltaABC is the triangle DeltaF_CF_BF_A formed by reflecting the mid-arc points arcM_A, arcM_B, arcM_C about the lines AB, AC, ...
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