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1451 - 1460 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results
An ideal is a subset I of elements in a ring R that forms an additive group and has the property that, whenever x belongs to R and y belongs to I, then xy and yx belong to I. ...
Kepler's equation gives the relation between the polar coordinates of a celestial body (such as a planet) and the time elapsed from a given initial point. Kepler's equation ...
Q(n), also denoted q(n) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 825), gives the number of ways of writing the integer n as a sum of positive integers without regard to order with the ...
The Pochhammer symbol (x)_n = (Gamma(x+n))/(Gamma(x)) (1) = x(x+1)...(x+n-1) (2) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p. 256; Spanier 1987; Koepf 1998, p. 5) for n>=0 is an ...
A vector is formally defined as an element of a vector space. In the commonly encountered vector space R^n (i.e., Euclidean n-space), a vector is given by n coordinates and ...
A p-adic number is an extension of the field of rationals such that congruences modulo powers of a fixed prime p are related to proximity in the so called "p-adic metric." ...
A q-series is series involving coefficients of the form (a;q)_n = product_(k=0)^(n-1)(1-aq^k) (1) = product_(k=0)^(infty)((1-aq^k))/((1-aq^(k+n))) (2) = ...
In a given circle, find an isosceles triangle whose legs pass through two given points inside the circle. This can be restated as: from two points in the plane of a circle, ...
The term analysis is used in two ways in mathematics. It describes both the discipline of which calculus is a part and one form of abstract logic theory. Analysis is the ...
Given two intersecting lines or line segments, the amount of rotation about the point of intersection (the vertex) required to bring one into correspondence with the other is ...
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