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1151 - 1160 of 1641 for Legendre Functionofthe Second KindSearch Results

Let R be a ring, and let I and J be ideals of R with I subset= J. Then J/I is an ideal of R/I and (R/I)/(J/I)=R/J.
Not decidable as a result of being neither formally provable nor unprovable.
The Banach-Steinhaus theorem is a result in the field of functional analysis which relates the "size" of a certain subset of points defined relative to a family of linear ...
Einstein summation is a notational convention for simplifying expressions including summations of vectors, matrices, and general tensors. There are essentially three rules of ...
Given triangle DeltaA_1A_2A_3, let the point of intersection of A_2Omega and A_3Omega^' be B_1, where Omega and Omega^' are the Brocard points, and similarly define B_2 and ...
A number of strongly regular graphs of several types derived from combinatorial design were identified by Goethals and Seidel (1970). Theorem 2.4 of Goethals and Seidel ...
The outer Napoleon triangle is the triangle DeltaN_C^'N_B^'N_A^' formed by the centers of externally erected equilateral triangles DeltaABE_C^', DeltaACE_B^', and ...
In Moralia, the Greek biographer and philosopher Plutarch states "Chrysippus says that the number of compound propositions that can be made from only ten simple propositions ...
A two-dimensional map also called the Taylor-Greene-Chirikov map in some of the older literature and defined by I_(n+1) = I_n+Ksintheta_n (1) theta_(n+1) = theta_n+I_(n+1) ...
Synergetics coordinates are a set of triangular coordinates in their plane (or their generalization to tetrahedral coordinates in space, or the analogs in higher dimensions). ...
