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851 - 860 of 2358 for Legendre Differential EquationSearch Results
Arc length is defined as the length along a curve, s=int_gamma|dl|, (1) where dl is a differential displacement vector along a curve gamma. For example, for a circle of ...
A Bäcklund transformation allows additional solutions to a nonlinear partial differential equations to be found if one particular solution is already known.
Let alpha(z),gamma(z):(a,b)->R^3 be curves such that |gamma|=1 and alpha·gamma=0, and suppose that alpha and gamma have holomorphic extensions alpha,gamma:(a,b)×(c,d)->C^3 ...
An algorithm which finds rational function extrapolations of the form R_(i(i+1)...(i+m))=(P_mu(x))/(P_nu(x))=(p_0+p_1x+...+p_mux^mu)/(q_0+q_1x+...+q_nux^nu) and can be used ...
The Burridge-Knopoff model is a system of differential equations used to model earthquakes using n points on a straight line, each of mass m, that interact with each other ...
Cauchy conditions are initial conditions (time conditions) rather than boundary conditions (space conditions). An initial-value problem is often termed a Cauchy problem. ...
The point on the positive ray of the normal vector at a distance rho(s), where rho is the radius of curvature. It is given by z = x+rhoN (1) = x+rho^2(dT)/(ds), (2) where N ...
A developable surface, also called a flat surface (Gray et al. 2006, p. 437), is a ruled surface having Gaussian curvature K=0 everywhere. Developable surfaces therefore ...
Let M be a regular surface with v_(p),w_(p) points in the tangent space M_(p) of M. Then the first fundamental form is the inner product of tangent vectors, ...
Gauss's theorema egregium states that the Gaussian curvature of a surface embedded in three-space may be understood intrinsically to that surface. "Residents" of the surface ...