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The prime number theorem gives an asymptotic form for the prime counting function pi(n), which counts the number of primes less than some integer n. Legendre (1808) suggested ...
The field of all rational and irrational numbers is called the real numbers, or simply the "reals," and denoted R. The set of real numbers is also called the continuum, ...
A recursive sequence {f(n)}_n, also known as a recurrence sequence, is a sequence of numbers f(n) indexed by an integer n and generated by solving a recurrence equation. The ...
The reversal of a positive integer abc...z is The reversal of a positive integer n is implemented in the Wolfram Language as IntegerReverse[n]. A positive integer ...
Ede (1958) enumerates 13 basic series of stellations of the rhombic triacontahedron, the total number of which is extremely large. Pawley (1973) gave a set of restrictions ...
The constant s_0 in Schnirelmann's theorem such that every integer >1 is a sum of at most s_0 primes. Of course, by Vinogradov's theorem, it is known that 4 primes suffice ...
The randomization of a deck of cards by repeated interleaving. More generally, a shuffle is a rearrangement of the elements in an ordered list. Shuffling by exactly ...
A process of successively crossing out members of a list according to a set of rules such that only some remain. The best known sieve is the sieve of Eratosthenes for ...
A solitary number is a number which does not have any friends. Solitary numbers include all primes, prime powers, and numbers for which (n,sigma(n))=1, where (a,b) is the ...
Sphere line picking is the selection of pairs of points corresponding to vertices of a line segment with endpoints on the surface of a sphere. n random line segments can be ...
