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491 - 500 of 1310 for Lagrange Interpolating PolynomialSearch Results
An important result in valuation theory which gives information on finding roots of polynomials. Hensel's lemma is formally stated as follows. Let (K,|·|) be a complete ...
There are at least three theorems known as Jensen's theorem. The first states that, for a fixed vector v=(v_1,...,v_m), the function |v|_p=(sum_(i=1)^m|v_i|^p)^(1/p) is a ...
A root-finding algorithm which converges to a complex root from any starting position. To motivate the formula, consider an nth order polynomial and its derivatives, P_n(x) = ...
A lucky number of Euler is a number p such that the prime-generating polynomial n^2-n+p is prime for n=1, 2, ..., p-1. Such numbers are related to the imaginary quadratic ...
The (upper) matching number nu(G) of graph G, sometimes known as the edge independence number, is the size of a maximum independent edge set. Equivalently, it is the degree ...
The Pell-Lucas numbers are the V_ns in the Lucas sequence with P=2 and Q=-1, and correspond to the Pell-Lucas polynomial Q_n(1). The Pell-Lucas number Q_n is equal to ...
An antiprism graph is a graph corresponding to the skeleton of an antiprism. Antiprism graphs are therefore polyhedral and planar. The n-antiprism graph has 2n vertices and ...
Let P be a polynomial of degree n with derivative P^'. Then ||P^'||_infty<=n||P||_infty, where ||P||_infty=max_(|z|=1)|P(z)|.
A determinant appearing in Padé approximant identities: C_(r/s)=|a_(r-s+1) a_(r-s+2) ... a_r; | | ... |; a_r a_(r+1) ... a_(r+s-1)|.
Let P(G) denote the chromatic polynomial of a finite simple graph G. Then G is said to be chromatically unique if P(G)=P(H) implies that G and H are isomorphic graphs, in ...