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901 - 910 of 13135 for Irrational NumberSearch Results
Let K be a number field with ring of integers R and let A be a nontrivial ideal of R. Then the ideal class of A, denoted [A], is the set of fractional ideals B such that ...
Every real number is negative, 0, or positive. The law is sometimes stated as "For arbitrary real numbers a and b, exactly one of the relations a<b, a=b, a>b holds" (Apostol ...
A Tschirnhausen transformation can be used to algebraically transform a general quintic equation to the form z^5+c_1z+c_0=0. (1) In practice, the general quintic is first ...
The science of adversarial information protection.
A set partition of the rational numbers into two nonempty subsets S_1 and S_2 such that all members of S_1 are less than those of S_2 and such that S_1 has no greatest ...
A directed strongly regular graph is a simple directed graph with adjacency matrix A such that the span of A, the identity matrix I, and the unit matrix J is closed under ...
A generalized eigenvector for an n×n matrix A is a vector v for which (A-lambdaI)^kv=0 for some positive integer k in Z^+. Here, I denotes the n×n identity matrix. The ...
Let X={x_1>=x_2>=...>=x_n|x_i in R} (1) and Y={y_1>=y_2>=...>=y_n|y_i in R}. (2) Then there exists an n×n Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues X and diagonal elements Y iff ...
Householder (1953) first considered the matrix that now bears his name in the first couple of pages of his book. A Householder matrix for a real vector v can be implemented ...
A root-finding algorithm based on the iteration formula x_(n+1)=x_n-(f(x_n))/(f^'(x_n)){1+(f(x_n)f^('')(x_n))/(2[f^'(x_n)]^2)}. This method, like Newton's method, has poor ...
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