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Let a hotel have a denumerable set of rooms numbered 1, 2, 3, .... Then any finite number n of guests can be accommodated without evicting the current guests by moving the ...
Every sufficiently large odd number is a sum of three primes (Vinogradov 1937). Ramachandra and Sankaranarayanan (1997) have shown that for sufficiently large n, the error ...
To truncate a real number is to discard its noninteger part. Truncation of a (positive) number x therefore corresponds to taking the floor function |_x_|. Truncation also ...
A constant, sometimes also called a "mathematical constant," is any well-defined real number which is significantly interesting in some way. In this work, the term "constant" ...
Prellberg (2001) noted that the limit c=lim_(n->infty)(T_n)/(B_nexp{1/2[W(n)]^2})=2.2394331040... (OEIS A143307) exists, where T_n is a Takeuchi number, B_n is a Bell number, ...
The number of ways of picking k unordered outcomes from n possibilities. Also known as the binomial coefficient or choice number and read "n choose k," _nC_k=(n; ...
The number of partitions of n in which no parts are multiples of k is sometimes denoted b_k(n) (Gordon and Ono 1997). b_k(n) is also the number of partitions of n into at ...
The number of real roots of an algebraic equation with real coefficients whose real roots are simple over an interval, the endpoints of which are not roots, is equal to the ...
An (n,k)-talisman hexagon is an arrangement of nested hexagons containing the integers 1, 2, ..., H_n=3n(n-1)+1, where H_n is the nth hex number, such that the difference ...
Let i_k(G) be the number of irredundant sets of size k in a graph G, then the irredundance polynomial R_G(x) of G in the variable x is defined as ...
