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The pathwidth of a graph G, also called the interval thickness, vertex separation number, and node searching number, is one less than the size of the largest set in a path ...
A function is said to be piecewise constant if it is locally constant in connected regions separated by a possibly infinite number of lower-dimensional boundaries. The ...
A planted tree is a rooted tree whose root vertex has vertex degree 1. The number of planted trees of n nodes is T_(n-1), where T_(n-1) is the number of rooted trees of n-1 ...
A Poisson process is a process satisfying the following properties: 1. The numbers of changes in nonoverlapping intervals are independent for all intervals. 2. The ...
The word population has a number of distinct but closely related meanings in statistics. 1. A finite and actually existing group of objects which, although possibly large, ...
The unique nonnegative square root of a nonnegative real number. For example, the principal square root of 9 is 3, although both -3 and 3 are square roots of 9. The concept ...
The Q-chromatic polynomial, introduced by Birkhoff and Lewis (1946) and termed the "Q-chromial" by Bari (1974), is an alternate form of the chromatic polynomial pi(x) defined ...
The Latin prefix quadri- is used to indicate the number 4, for example, quadrilateral, quadrant, etc. However, it also very commonly used to denote objects involving the ...
The term "real line" has a number of different meanings in mathematics. Most commonly, "real line" is used to mean real axis, i.e., a line with a fixed scale so that every ...
A scale-free network is a connected graph or network with the property that the number of links k originating from a given node exhibits a power law distribution ...
