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Intuitively, a model of d-dimensional percolation theory is said to be a Bernoulli model if the open/closed status of an area is completely random. In particular, it makes ...
The Jerabek hyperbola is a circumconic that is the isogonal conjugate of the Euler line (Kimberling 1998, p. 237). Since it is a circumconic passing through the orthocenter, ...
A quotient-difference table is a triangular array of numbers constructed by drawing a sequence of n numbers in a horizontal row and placing a 1 above each. An additional "1" ...
Let the inner and outer Soddy triangles of a reference triangle DeltaABC be denoted DeltaPQR and DeltaP^'Q^'R^', respectively. Similarly, let the tangential triangles of ...
The sequence produced by sorting the digits of a number and adding them to the previous number. The values starting with n=1, 2, ... are 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 11, ...
kappa(d)={(2lneta(d))/(sqrt(d)) for d>0; (2pi)/(w(d)sqrt(|d|)) for d<0, (1) where eta(d) is the fundamental unit and w(d) is the number of substitutions which leave the ...
There are two identities known as Catalan's identity. The first is F_n^2-F_(n+r)F_(n-r)=(-1)^(n-r)F_r^2, where F_n is a Fibonacci number. Letting r=1 gives Cassini's ...
A fractional clique of a graph G is a nonnegative real function on the vertices of G such that sum of the values on the vertices of any independent set is at most one. The ...
If p divides the numerator of the Bernoulli number B_(2k) for 0<2k<p-1, then (p,2k) is called an irregular pair. For p<30000, the irregular pairs of various forms are p=16843 ...
Applying the Kaprekar routine to 4-digit number reaches 0 for exactly 77 4-digit numbers, while the remainder give 6174 in at most 8 iterations. The value 6174 is sometimes ...
