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1911 - 1920 of 2712 for Interior Point MethodSearch Results
The mean tetrahedron volume V^_ is the average volume of a tetrahedron in tetrahedron picking within some given shape. As summarized in the following table, it is possible to ...
When a closed interval [a,b] is partitioned by points a<x_1<x_2<...<x_(n-1)<b, the lengths of the resulting intervals between the points are denoted Deltax_1, Deltax_2, ..., ...
A topology induced by the metric g defined on a metric space X. The open sets are all subsets that can be realized as the unions of open balls B(x_0,r)={x in X|g(x_0,x)<r}, ...
A set which is connected but not simply connected is called multiply connected. A space is n-multiply connected if it is (n-1)-connected and if every map from the n-sphere ...
Let M be a sigma-algebra M, and let lambda_1 and lambda_2 be measures on M. If there exists a pair of disjoint sets A and B such that lambda_1 is concentrated on A and ...
The Napoleon crossdifference is the crossdifference of the Napoleon points. It has triangle center function alpha_(1510)=((b^2-c^2)[2cos(2A)-1])/a and is Kimberling center ...
A collection of open sets of a topological space whose union contains a given subset. For example, an open cover of the real line, with respect to the Euclidean topology, is ...
An open interval is an interval that does not include its end points. The open interval {x:a<x<b} is denoted (a,b), although the nonstandard notation ]a,b[ is sometimes also ...
A map which sends open sets to open sets.
A topology defined on a totally ordered set X whose open sets are all the finite intersections of subsets of the form {x in X|x>a} or {x in X|x<a}, where a in X. The order ...
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