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71 - 80 of 1997 for Infinite SequenceSearch Results
A sequence {a_n} such that either (1) a_(i+1)>=a_i for every i>=1, or (2) a_(i+1)<=a_i for every i>=1.
Pickover's sequence gives the starting positions in the decimal expansion of pi (ignoring the leading 3) in which the first n digits of e occur (counting the leading 2). So, ...
There are at least two sequences attributed to B. Recamán. One is the sequence a_n formed by taking a_1=1 and letting a_n={a_(n-1)-n if a_(n-1)-n>0 and is new; a_(n-1)+n ...
The integer sequence 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 4, 7, 5, 8, 7, 10, 8, 12, 10, 14, 12, 16, 14, 19, 16, 21, 19, ... (OEIS A005044) given by the coefficients of the ...
A sequence of numbers V={nu_n} is complete if every positive integer n is the sum of some subsequence of V, i.e., there exist a_i=0 or 1 such that n=sum_(i=1)^inftya_inu_i ...
A sequence is said to be convergent if it approaches some limit (D'Angelo and West 2000, p. 259). Formally, a sequence S_n converges to the limit S lim_(n->infty)S_n=S if, ...
Given a sequence S_i as input to stage i, form sequence S_(i+1) as follows: 1. For k in [1,...,i], write term i+k and then term i-k. 2. Discard the ith term. 3. Write the ...
Let a_1=1 and define a_(n+1) to be the least integer greater than a_n which cannot be written as the sum of at most h>=2 addends among the terms a_1, a_2, ..., a_n. This ...
A series is called artistic if every three consecutive terms have a common three-way ratio P[a_i,a_(i+1),a_(i+2)]=((a_i+a_(i+1)+a_(i+2))a_(i+1))/(a_ia_(i+2)). A series is ...
A sequence {a_i} is said to be periodic with period p with if it satisfies a_i=a_(i+np) for n=1, 2, .... For example, {1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,...} is a periodic sequence ...