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Let S be a nonempty set, then a filter on S is a nonempty collection F of subsets of S having the following properties: 1. emptyset not in F, 2. If A,B in F, then A ...
An extension field F subset= K is called finite if the dimension of K as a vector space over F (the so-called degree of K over F) is finite. A finite field extension is ...
A reduction system is called finitely terminating (or Noetherian) if there are no infinite rewriting sequences. This property guarantees that any rewriting algorithm will ...
A formal power series, sometimes simply called a "formal series" (Wilf 1994), of a field F is an infinite sequence {a_0,a_1,a_2,...} over F. Equivalently, it is a function ...
A Fredholm integral equation of the first kind is an integral equation of the form f(x)=int_a^bK(x,t)phi(t)dt, (1) where K(x,t) is the kernel and phi(t) is an unknown ...
The funnel surface is a regular surface and surface of revolution defined by the Cartesian equation z=1/2aln(x^2+y^2) (1) and the parametric equations x(u,v) = ucosv (2) ...
The modular group Gamma is the set of all transformations w of the form w(t)=(at+b)/(ct+d), where a, b, c, and d are integers and ad-bc=1. A Gamma-modular function is then ...
Let X and Y be Banach spaces and let f:X->Y be a function between them. f is said to be Gâteaux differentiable if there exists an operator T_x:X->Y such that, for all v in X, ...
At rational arguments p/q, the digamma function psi_0(p/q) is given by psi_0(p/q)=-gamma-ln(2q)-1/2picot(p/qpi) +2sum_(k=1)^([q/2]-1)cos((2pipk)/q)ln[sin((pik)/q)] (1) for ...
A number given by the generating function (2t)/(e^t+1)=sum_(n=1)^inftyG_n(t^n)/(n!). (1) It satisfies G_1=1, G_3=G_5=G_7=...=0, and even coefficients are given by G_(2n) = ...
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