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Given a set y=f(x) of n equations in n variables x_1, ..., x_n, written explicitly as y=[f_1(x); f_2(x); |; f_n(x)], (1) or more explicitly as {y_1=f_1(x_1,...,x_n); |; ...
In functional analysis, the Lax-Milgram theorem is a sort of representation theorem for bounded linear functionals on a Hilbert space H. The result is of tantamount ...
A nonassociative algebra obeyed by objects such as the Lie bracket and Poisson bracket. Elements f, g, and h of a Lie algebra satisfy [f,f]=0 (1) [f+g,h]=[f,h]+[g,h], (2) and ...
The Lotka-Volterra equations describe an ecological predator-prey (or parasite-host) model which assumes that, for a set of fixed positive constants A (the growth rate of ...
Noncommutative topology is a recent program having important and deep applications in several branches of mathematics and mathematical physics. Because every commutative ...
By asking a small number of innocent-sounding questions about an unknown number, it is possible to reconstruct the number with absolute certainty (assuming that the questions ...
The reversal of a positive integer abc...z is The reversal of a positive integer n is implemented in the Wolfram Language as IntegerReverse[n]. A positive integer ...
"Stampacchia's theorem" is a name given to any number of related results in functional analysis, and while the body of the theorem often varies depending on the literature ...
The Barnes G-function is an analytic continuation of the G-function defined in the construction of the Glaisher-Kinkelin constant G(n)=([Gamma(n)]^(n-1))/(H(n-1)) (1) for ...
The Burnside problem originated with Burnside (1902), who wrote, "A still undecided point in the theory of discontinuous groups is whether the group order of a group may be ...
