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Binet's first formula for the log gamma function lnGamma(z), where Gamma(z) is a gamma function, is given by for R[z]>0 (Erdélyi et al. 1981, p. 21; Whittaker and Watson ...
Every bounded infinite set in R^n has an accumulation point. For n=1, an infinite subset of a closed bounded set S has an accumulation point in S. For instance, given a ...
A theorem about (or providing an equivalent definition of) compact sets, originally due to Georg Cantor. Given a decreasing sequence of bounded nonempty closed sets C_1 ...
Let g be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over some field k. A subalgebra h of g is called a Cartan subalgebra if it is nilpotent and equal to its normalizer, which is the ...
A set S is discrete in a larger topological space X if every point x in S has a neighborhood U such that S intersection U={x}. The points of S are then said to be isolated ...
An exact sequence is a sequence of maps alpha_i:A_i->A_(i+1) (1) between a sequence of spaces A_i, which satisfies Im(alpha_i)=Ker(alpha_(i+1)), (2) where Im denotes the ...
A graph with a finite number of nodes and edges. If it has n nodes and has no multiple edges or graph loops (i.e., it is simple), it is a subgraph of the complete graph K_n. ...
A problem listed in a fall issue of Gazeta Matematică in the mid-1970s posed the question if x_1>0 and x_(n+1)=(1+1/(x_n))^n (1) for n=1, 2, ..., then are there any values ...
Gabriel's horn, also called Torricelli's trumpet, is the surface of revolution of the function y=1/x about the x-axis for x>=1. It is therefore given by parametric equations ...
The eccentricity epsilon(v) of a graph vertex v in a connected graph G is the maximum graph distance between v and any other vertex u of G. For a disconnected graph, all ...
