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A number n is called amenable if it can be built up from integers a_1, a_2, ..., a_k by either addition or multiplication such that sum_(i=1)^na_i=product_(i=1)^na_i=n (1) ...
The q-series identity product_(n=1)^(infty)((1-q^(2n))(1-q^(3n))(1-q^(8n))(1-q^(12n)))/((1-q^n)(1-q^(24n))) = ...
The q-analog of pi pi_q can be defined by setting a=0 in the q-factorial [a]_q!=1(1+q)(1+q+q^2)...(1+q+...+q^(a-1)) (1) to obtain ...
The set theory symbol aleph_0 refers to a set having the same cardinal number as the "small" infinite set of integers. The symbol aleph_0 is often pronounced "aleph-null" ...
An improper integral is a definite integral that has either or both limits infinite or an integrand that approaches infinity at one or more points in the range of ...
The dual vector space to a real vector space V is the vector space of linear functions f:V->R, denoted V^*. In the dual of a complex vector space, the linear functions take ...
A graph is said to be regular of degree r if all local degrees are the same number r. A 0-regular graph is an empty graph, a 1-regular graph consists of disconnected edges, ...
The operation of multiplication, i.e., a times b. Various notations are a×b, a·b, a*b, ab, and (a)(b). The "multiplication sign" × is based on Saint Andrew's cross (Bergamini ...
A group of three elements, also called a triad. A triple is therefore a 3-tuple.
The number of ways a set of n elements can be partitioned into nonempty subsets is called a Bell number and is denoted B_n (not to be confused with the Bernoulli number, ...
