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In an integral domain R, the decomposition of a nonzero noninvertible element a as a product of prime (or irreducible) factors a=p_1...p_n, (1) is unique if every other ...
A unique factorization domain, called UFD for short, is any integral domain in which every nonzero noninvertible element has a unique factorization, i.e., an essentially ...
A natural transformation Phi_Y:B(AY)->Y is called unital if the leftmost diagram above commutes. Similarly, a natural transformation Psi_Y:Y->A(BY) is called unital if the ...
An expression is called "well-defined" (or "unambiguous") if its definition assigns it a unique interpretation or value. Otherwise, the expression is said to not be ...
When p is a prime number, then a p-group is a group, all of whose elements have order some power of p. For a finite group, the equivalent definition is that the number of ...
In the usual diagram of inclusion homomorphisms, if the upper two maps are injective, then so are the other two. More formally, consider a space X which is expressible as the ...
For |z|<1, product_(k=1)^infty(1+z^k)=product_(k=1)^infty(1-z^(2k-1))^(-1). (1) Both of these have closed form representation 1/2(-1;z)_infty, (2) where (a;q)_infty is a ...
A doubly nonnegative matrix is a real positive semidefinite n×n square matrix with nonnegative entries. Any doubly nonnegative matrix A of order n can be expressed as a Gram ...
The matrix decomposition of a square matrix A into so-called eigenvalues and eigenvectors is an extremely important one. This decomposition generally goes under the name ...
There are three types of so-called fundamental forms. The most important are the first and second (since the third can be expressed in terms of these). The fundamental forms ...
