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121 - 130 of 195 for InequalitiesSearch Results
A rule for polynomial computation which both reduces the number of necessary multiplications and results in less numerical instability due to potential subtraction of one ...
The (lower) irredundance number ir(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of a maximal irredundant set of vertices in G. The upper irredundance number is defined as the maximum ...
A relation connecting the values of a meromorphic function inside a disk with its boundary values on the circumference and with its zeros and poles (Jensen 1899, Levin 1980). ...
For a polynomial P(x_1,x_2,...,x_k), the Mahler measure of P is defined by (1) Using Jensen's formula, it can be shown that for P(x)=aproduct_(i=1)^(n)(x-alpha_i), ...
The Mills ratio is defined as m(x) = 1/(h(x)) (1) = (S(x))/(P(x)) (2) = (1-D(x))/(P(x)), (3) where h(x) is the hazard function, S(x) is the survival function, P(x) is the ...
Müntz's theorem is a generalization of the Weierstrass approximation theorem, which states that any continuous function on a closed and bounded interval can be uniformly ...
A square matrix that is not singular, i.e., one that has a matrix inverse. Nonsingular matrices are sometimes also called regular matrices. A square matrix is nonsingular iff ...
Let f(x) be integrable in [-1,1], let (1-x^2)f(x) be of bounded variation in [-1,1], let M^' denote the least upper bound of |f(x)(1-x^2)| in [-1,1], and let V^' denote the ...
For a polynomial P=sum_(k=0)^na_kz^k, (1) several classes of norms are commonly defined. The l_p-norm is defined as ||P||_p=(sum_(k=0)^n|a_k|^p)^(1/p) (2) for p>=1, giving ...
A positive semidefinite matrix is a Hermitian matrix all of whose eigenvalues are nonnegative. A matrix m may be tested to determine if it is positive semidefinite in the ...
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