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A mathematical statement that one quantity is greater than or less than another. "a is less than b" is denoted a<b, and "a is greater than b" is denoted a>b. "a is less than ...
The (26,8)-Paulus graph having the largest possible graph automorphism group order of all 26-node Paulus graphs (namely 120) is sometimes known as the ...
A rational amicable pair consists of two integers a and b for which the divisor functions are equal and are of the form sigma(a)=sigma(b)=(P(a,b))/(Q(a,b))=R(a,b), (1) where ...
Self-recursion is a recursion that is defined in terms of itself, resulting in an ill-defined infinite regress. The formula for the volume of a cylinder leads to the ...
A surface (or "space") of section, also called a Poincaré section (Rasband 1990, pp. 7 and 93-94), is a way of presenting a trajectory in n-dimensional phase space in an ...
What space-filling arrangement of similar cells of equal volume has minimal surface area? This questions arises naturally in the theory of foams when the liquid content is ...
The asymptotic form of the n-step Bernoulli distribution with parameters p and q=1-p is given by P_n(k) = (n; k)p^kq^(n-k) (1) ∼ 1/(sqrt(2pinpq))e^(-(k-np)^2/(2npq)) (2) ...
The Gauss-Kuzmin distribution is the distribution of occurrences of a positive integer k in the continued fraction of a random (or "generic") real number. Consider xi_n ...
In continuum percolation theory, the Boolean-Poisson model is a Boolean model driven by a stationary point process X which is a Poisson process. The Boolean-Poisson model is ...
The first practical algorithm for determining if there exist integers a_i for given real numbers x_i such that a_1x_1+a_2x_2+...+a_nx_n=0, or else establish bounds within ...
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