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141 - 150 of 308 for Hypothesis TestingSearch Results
There exists no known P algorithm for graph isomorphism testing, although the problem has also not been shown to be NP-complete. In fact, the problem of identifying ...
A permutation of n distinct, ordered items in which none of the items is in its original ordered position is known as a derangement. If some, but not necessarily all, of the ...
A unit vector is a vector of length 1, sometimes also called a direction vector (Jeffreys and Jeffreys 1988). The unit vector v^^ having the same direction as a given ...
Let Xi be the xi-function defined by Xi(iz)=1/2(z^2-1/4)pi^(-z/2-1/4)Gamma(1/2z+1/4)zeta(z+1/2). (1) Xi(z/2)/8 can be viewed as the Fourier transform of the signal ...
A weakened version of pointwise convergence hypothesis which states that, for X a measure space, f_n(x)->f(x) for all x in Y, where Y is a measurable subset of X such that ...
In probability, an event with Lebesgue measure 1.
An ansatz is an assumed form for a mathematical statement that is not based on any underlying theory or principle. An example from physics is the Bethe Ansatz (Müller).
A matching is a maximum matching iff it contains no augmenting path.
A maximal subgraph of an undirected graph such that any two edges in the subgraph lie on a common simple cycle.
A bivector, also called a 2-vector, is an antisymmetric tensor of second rank (a.k.a. 2-form). For a bivector X^->, X^->=X_(ab)omega^a ^ omega^b, where ^ is the wedge product ...