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1281 - 1290 of 3325 for Hypergeometric FunctionSearch Results
The third mid-arc point is the triangle center with triangle center function alpha_(2089)=[-cos(1/2A)+cos(1/2B)+cos(1/2C)]sec(1/2A). It is Kimberling center X_(2089).
A function f is topologically transitive if, given any two intervals U and V, there is some positive integer k such that f^k(U) intersection V!=emptyset. Vaguely, this means ...
The triangle coefficient is function of three variables written Delta(abc)=Delta(a,b,c) and defined by Delta(abc)=((a+b-c)!(a-b+c)!(-a+b+c)!)/((a+b+c+1)!), (Shore and Menzel ...
The span of subspace generated by vectors v_1 and v_2 in V is Span(v_1,v_2)={rv_1+sv_2:r,s in R}. A set of vectors m={v_1,...,v_n} can be tested to see if they span ...
The vercosine, written vercos(z) and also known as the "versed cosine," is a little-used trigonometric function defined by vercos(z) = 2cos^2(1/2z) (1) = 1+cosz, (2) where ...
Let f_n(z) be a sequence of functions, each regular in a region D, let |f_n(z)|<=M for every n and z in D, and let f_n(z) tend to a limit as n->infty at a set of points ...
Constants gamma such that [int_Omega|f|^qdx]^(1/q)<=gamma[int_Omegasum_(i=1)^N|(partialf)/(partialx_i)|^pdx]^(1/p), where f is a real-valued smooth function on a region Omega ...
The Yiu circle is the circumcircle of the Yiu triangle DeltaO_AO_BO_C. It has center function given by alpha=af(a,b,c), where f(a,b,c) is a 14th-order polynomial. Its radius ...
The generalized law of sines applies to a simplex in space of any dimension with constant Gaussian curvature. Let us work up to that. Initially in two-dimensional space, we ...
The Riemann-Siegel formula is a formula discovered (but not published) by Riemann for computing an asymptotic formula for the Riemann-Siegel function theta(t). The formula ...