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The Wiener index W, denoted w (Wiener 1947) and also known as the "path number" or Wiener number (Plavšić et al. 1993), is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by ...
The Wiener sum index WS is a graph index defined for a graph on n nodes by WS=1/2sum_(i=1)^nsum_(j=1)^n((d)_(ij))/((Omega)_(ij)), where (d)_(ij) is the graph distance matrix ...
A Nash equilibrium of a strategic game is a profile of strategies (s_1^*,...,s_n^*), where s_i^* in S_i (S_i is the strategy set of player i), such that for each player i, ...
A problem in game theory first discussed by A. Tucker. Suppose each of two prisoners A and B, who are not allowed to communicate with each other, is offered to be set free if ...
A trivalent tree, also called a 3-valent tree or a 3-Cayley tree, is a tree for which each node has vertex degree <=3. The numbers of trivalent trees on n=1, 2, ... nodes are ...
Given three jugs with x pints in the first, y in the second, and z in the third, obtain a desired amount in one of the vessels by completely filling up and/or emptying ...
The space groups in two dimensions are called wallpaper groups. In three dimensions, the space groups are the symmetry groups possible in a crystal lattice with the ...
Game theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the analysis of games (i.e., situations involving parties with conflicting interests). In addition to the mathematical ...
The circuit rank gamma, also denoted mu (Volkmann 1996, Babić et al. 2002) or beta (White 2001, p. 56) and known as the cycle rank (e.g., White 2001, p. 56), (first) graph ...
There exists an integer N such that every string in the look and say sequence "decays" in at most N days to a compound of "common" and "transuranic elements." The table below ...
